Friday, September 24, 2010

Rocky Mtn. National Park, Colorado

The trees are turning as you can see. Today in the valley it was 34 when we woke up at 8 am. The pic of the water is our view from the motorcoach where we are parked for 4 days. Yesterday we went to the park at an elevation of over 11,000 ft. I walked in the snow. We saw elk, moose, and mule deer. The views are beautiful as you can see. I don't think the pics tell the whole story though. On the way here we lost a hub cab. Birdie thought he remembered when he heard a strange sound. We back traced our steps and found not only ours but 7 other hubcaps in the same area. Kinda funny. Today we are going to see some of Birdie's friends and then heading out on Sunday. Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. You could have at least gotten out of your vehicle to take the picture. Would have been nice to have one of ya'll on the sign. Anyways, nice.
