Saturday, September 4, 2010

Oregon Coast

Lighthouse behind me sitting

We are traveling near the coastline and enjoying the sights. Today we went to several lookout spots and I finally saw a whale. It was a Gray Whale which are 40 tons and 45 ft long. We also saw some seals and sea lions lying on the rocks and swimming around. It is very windy and 65. The trees are getting bigger and I can't wait to see the Redwood trees. I have always wanted to see them.
Please leave me comments if there is anything in particular you would like for me to get a picture of and I will do my best. We are going to San Francisco, Colorado, Utah, and then over to Missouri and Indiana. Love to all, Louise and Birdie

1 comment:

  1. I thought you were at pier 39 there for a minute with all the seals. Have fund in San Fran but make sure ya'll spend some time in valey joe. love you guys.
