Friday, June 4, 2010

Tangle Lakes, Alaska

We are sitting along the lake side at a BLM campground. This is owned by Bureau of Land Management and is free to the public. We went out on the lake with the zodiac and caught arctic grayling. The limit is 5 per person. We cleaned them and had a fish fry along with hush puppies. yum yum. There was a moose along the shoreline eating willow. We have been videotaping quite a bit. There is muskrat, seagulls, and swans on the lake also. We are trying to catch lake trout so we can grill them up. The scooters have come in handy. We took a ride down the Denali Highway toward the park. We just found out last night that we can get internet service from a lodge down the road. This comes in handy since there is no phone service. The weather has turned colder. It is in the 40's and hazy. We have been the right clothes to keep warm and of course Hot Chocolate.

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