Saturday, July 10, 2010


Mt. McKinley, near Talkeetna, Alaska

Cleaning day......The maid did not come.. Sally is on vacation..

Talkeetna is north of Anchorage and is a fun town. We took a charter on the glacier fed Talkeetna river in a jet powered boat. We fished for a couple of hours and our friends caught a king salmon. The weather is about 70 and sunny. Shorts were in order and we got to drive our scooters around. Here we are working cleaning up the coach and reorganizing for our excursion to Prudhoe bay up the haul road. I did about 10 loads of laundry and Birdie washed the coach and Jeep. When we are hooked to water we really take advantage of it. Otherwise we carry about 100 gal and conserve the water. Mt. McKinley is in the background. It is the tallest mountain in North America. We are over 100 mile from it. These pics of the mountain are on the same day. As you can see the weather makes a huge difference on what you can see.

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