Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hidden Lakes

Beaver Dam

We arrived in Hidden Lakes National Park late June and left July 4th. The site we were on was beside the lake. You can see for yourself the beauty we saw. This is a pic of our zoom inflatable boat we left in the water and took out each day. Birdie caught a Lake Trout that we ate that night. We had campfires to keep us warm at night. We are traveling with Sherry and Dennis Walters from Las Vegas. They are a great couple that loves to do the things we do. We play Euchre, fish together, and laugh all of the time. Here is Max, their maltese pet we have adopted. Tonight we are at Fred Meyers parking lot and tomorrow will be heading for Homer. The salmon have stopped running until mid July we have heard and the mosquitoes are not bad. Love to all,. Louise and Birdie

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