Thursday, July 29, 2010

Moose Video, Catching Red Salmon on the Kenai

We have been really busy catching salmon since the limit went from 3 to 6 each per person per day. We have been canning nonstop. The salmon is wonderful and we have been enjoying the halibut also. This moose was on the side of the road when I was on my way to Soldotna today. You might notice there are cracks in the windshield. This happened when a rock came off of a truck on our way to Prudhoe Bay a couple of weeks ago. The weather is about 50 and rainy. Love to all. Louise and Birdie.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Soldotna ( Salmon Video)

We are catching our limit of 6 each day and canning them. 6 fish make 12 quart jars. The weather is nice and we have been enjoying the challenge. Just learned how to do the video and so I hope it works. This is a test.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Grizzly Bear in the Wild

This grizzly was on the side of the road and was scratching his back on this pole. He then walked away and ate wild blueberries and pushed over rocks looking for arctic ground squirrels.

North Pole, Alaska July 18

Today we checked the naughty and nice list in North Pole, Alaska. McDonald's pole is a candy cane and Rudolph and the reindeers were in the pen near Santa's house. I got to sit on Santa's lap and also his sleigh. He knows exactly where Okeechobee is and I made sure to let him know that I have been very good this year. My mom and Birdie are on the naughty list. Santa would not say why. I think it has something to do with not being nice to me. I could be wrong though.....anyway......I told Santa that this year they would be nicer to me so make sure to keep checking with me. Ha...

Pipeline diameter, Pig,snowing on mountain,muckalucks

Cutting Diamond Willow, Jeep after trip, Pipeline Pig

This is the river break up alarm. People bet on the time and win the lottery if the closest guess

Fireweed, Denny's in Fairbanks, Rainbow pot-o-gold

Haul Road, Pipeline, Arctic Circle

Prudhoe Bay, "The Haul Road", Dalton Hwy July13-16

We parked the motorcoach at Ft. Wainwright Base in Fairbanks and headed to Deadhorse, which is also known as Prudhoe Bay, where the pipeline starts on the Arctic Ocean. We took the Jeep packed with supplies, deisel, food, etc and drove 500 miles there and 500 miles back on dirt, gravel, mud, some pavement. The Brooks Range was over 4600 ft high and it snowed when we went through it. There was a grizzly bear scratching his back on a post, we saw moose crossing the road, swan, geese, arctic squirrel, arctic owl, and the flowers were beautiful. This is the part of Alaska most people don't see because it is out of the way. We crossed the Arctic Circle and Continental Divide to where trees and grass don't grow. There is tundra on top of permafrost. We took a tour of the oil field through a security area. I searched for gold while Birdie fished and we both came back empty. But, we did a whole bunch of wild blueberries that covered the area for miles. The temp varied from 65 to 35. Having a great time still.....

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Mt. McKinley, near Talkeetna, Alaska

Cleaning day......The maid did not come.. Sally is on vacation..

Talkeetna is north of Anchorage and is a fun town. We took a charter on the glacier fed Talkeetna river in a jet powered boat. We fished for a couple of hours and our friends caught a king salmon. The weather is about 70 and sunny. Shorts were in order and we got to drive our scooters around. Here we are working cleaning up the coach and reorganizing for our excursion to Prudhoe bay up the haul road. I did about 10 loads of laundry and Birdie washed the coach and Jeep. When we are hooked to water we really take advantage of it. Otherwise we carry about 100 gal and conserve the water. Mt. McKinley is in the background. It is the tallest mountain in North America. We are over 100 mile from it. These pics of the mountain are on the same day. As you can see the weather makes a huge difference on what you can see.

Homer Alaska July 4

We took a drive to the home town of "Time Bandit" from the show Deadliest Catch. They are out to sea and won't be home til Sept. Here is a pic of their store and a few boats at the marina. Kinda trashy area. Homer was not a favorite of mine.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Hidden Lakes

Lake Trout

Hidden Lakes

Beaver Dam

We arrived in Hidden Lakes National Park late June and left July 4th. The site we were on was beside the lake. You can see for yourself the beauty we saw. This is a pic of our zoom inflatable boat we left in the water and took out each day. Birdie caught a Lake Trout that we ate that night. We had campfires to keep us warm at night. We are traveling with Sherry and Dennis Walters from Las Vegas. They are a great couple that loves to do the things we do. We play Euchre, fish together, and laugh all of the time. Here is Max, their maltese pet we have adopted. Tonight we are at Fred Meyers parking lot and tomorrow will be heading for Homer. The salmon have stopped running until mid July we have heard and the mosquitoes are not bad. Love to all,. Louise and Birdie