Friday, May 14, 2010

South Dakota

Today we went to see the Presidents at Mt. Rushmore.George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln were grand. It was made in the 40's by blasting rock of granite off the face of the mountain which was 90% and chiseling the rest. The project was sculpted for over 15 yrs and when the artist died his son finished the rest. We also went to see Crazy Horse. A slow project with an indian on a horse. The pics of snow are in South Dakota. The temp was 55-65. Then we went to Deadwood where Wild Bill Hickox was killed. The town is really cute with old fashioned building fronts and colorful houses up on the hillside. The roads are made of brick. We are going to take a little break this weekend and catch up on some laundry and rest. Tomorrow we are going to an active fossil dig and checking out the "black hills gold." The pyrite "fool's gold" is all over the place. The hillsides sparkle. South Dakota is truly beautiful.

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