Friday, August 20, 2010

Sumas, Wasington.....USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glacier in Hyder,
Forest fires and smoke through Canada, Blackberries on stove, wine berry preserves in jar, and blueberry syrup (all homemade). There is a first for everything. I have become domestic...Yuk...

We took several days to cross Canada. There were fires burning and we drove in smoke most of the way. We even had to be escorted through some spots. Finally we arrived across the border. We have been enjoying the nice weather. Sunny and 70's to 80's. Today we picked blackberries. The wild berries are super flavorful. As a comparison it is like buying tomatoes at the store vs. growing your own on the vine. I have been freezing the berries and when we get home I plan to can them. I did make some blackberry syrup like the blueberry syrup I made in Paxson. Today we are heading through Washington and tomorrow meeting up with some friends of Birdie's that live here. We plan to be in Portland, Oregon on Sunday for we are leaving for Oahu, Hawaiin Islands on Tuesday. We have a flight there and will be back in 1 week. I will post that trip also.

Video of picking blackberries in Washington.

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