Thursday, July 29, 2010

Moose Video, Catching Red Salmon on the Kenai

We have been really busy catching salmon since the limit went from 3 to 6 each per person per day. We have been canning nonstop. The salmon is wonderful and we have been enjoying the halibut also. This moose was on the side of the road when I was on my way to Soldotna today. You might notice there are cracks in the windshield. This happened when a rock came off of a truck on our way to Prudhoe Bay a couple of weeks ago. The weather is about 50 and rainy. Love to all. Louise and Birdie.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't figure it out at first, thought you caught Bird using the bathroom on the side of the road. Nice picture when the moose stepped out into the road.
