Friday, October 22, 2010

Heading HOME

We left Indiana and had some Turbo problems. The Cummins place in Tennessee put on a new one plus a few other things that go along with it and $2500 later we left with a boost. The weather is really nice and we are just hanging out a bit before we return home on or about Tuesday next week. I have to return home to be at work on Monday Nov. 1st. We have been enjoying our fish, berries, nuts from Al and Hal, beef, etc we have accumulated along the way. We have met so many nice people and have envited several to Florida to visit. We are looking forward to seeing friends and family in Chobee and also planning our trip for next year. We are tossing around a few ideas such as Nova Scotia, Northeast Canada, a trip through the Panama Canal... Here are a few of our most memorable times. My next entry will probably be my last until next year.

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