Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Anchorage Air Show < Paxson BLM

We enjoyed our stay with Hal and Treba Scott at Paxson Lake. We picked blueberries growing wild everywhere. They are more flavorful than the ones bought at a store. I canned 9 jars, made syrup, and froze some. There were also crow berries and salmon colored rasberries. I did not pick them because they were not ripe yet. The purple flowers are fireweed which grow everywhere. At the end of summer the flower then turns dark pink, dries, and the seed turns white and blows away. I was amazed at all of the flora in Alaska. The permafrost is also neat. The ground is boggy. When you walk on the permafrost you sink down as if you are walking on a mattress. Under this is ice or sometimes water then ice. There is new snow on the mountain tops. When we passed through Anchorage we saw and air show right on top of the motorcoach. We finally got a chance to ride the scooters again. The sun is out and the temp up to 70. Tomorrow we out of Alaska. But,,, the adventure is not over ....stay posted to see where next. Love the comments.

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